Reliance Balanced Advantage Fund
Reliance Balanced Advantage Fund is A Model based Open Ended Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund that attempts to capture Equity growth potential with lower volatility.
Investment Objective:-
The investment objective of the scheme is to capitalize on the potential upside in equity markets while attempting to limit the downside by dynamically managing the portfolio through investment in equity & equity related instruments and active use of debt, money market instruments and derivatives.
Fund Strategy – Key Highlights
Core Asset Allocation of Net Equity exposure will be based on strong fundamental companies at fair valuation and their trend.
Portfolio re balancing frequency:- Monthly
Investment Universe: All listed large and midcap stocks which have derivatives. Primarily the Top 200 Companies.
Large Cap oriented portfolio:- Minimum 65% equity exposure from the largest 100 companies based on Market Capitalization.
Well diversified portfolio across stocks and sectors.
Debt exposure: Debt portfolio will be conservative focused on the shorter end. It will be combination of liquid and short term fixed income securities.
To Invest
To Apply offline Download KIM and Application Form Reliance Balanced Advantage Fund.
Mutual Fund Investments are Subject To Market Risks Please read Offer Documents before Making Investments